Voice performance

Voice performance It belongs to the professional school and is recognized by the state according to the B.D. of 11.11.57 (Government Gazette 229/A/57) “On sanctioning the internal regulations of the Thessaloniki Conservatory” of the Ministry of Culture.
In order to be admitted to the Voice performance school, the female student must have vocal qualifications and have completed the basis of article 12, the female student at the age of 16 and the male student at the age of 17.

Levels of Study.

Preparatory School 1 to 2 years
Lower School 2 to 4 years
Middle School 2 to 4 years
Higher School 3 to 6 years

For particularly talented students or for those who have taken private lessons, the years of study can be reduced following qualifying exams.

Compulsory Courses:
Theory 3 classes
Harmony 3 classes
Solfège 5 classes
History of Music 2 years
Morphology 1 year
Piano Level A Middle School Prima Vista 2 years (reading at first sight) Correct Pronunciation of Foreign Texts

Melodramatic 3 years (starts from the 3rd year of middle school or the 1st year of higher education)
Teaching experience 2 years (starts from the 1st year of Senior)
Choir from Middle school to completion of Voice performance studies
Candidates for the Voice performance diploma are compulsorily examined from memory with a program of 10-16 pieces from different eras.