The school has been operating since the 2007-2008 school year in accordance with the Ministry of Culture decision numbered DOEPY/TOPYNS/85301 (Government Gazette 1913/14-9-2007). In this school the student is taught how to Conduct Choral works from all eras (medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, contemporary). In order to enroll in the 1st year of Choir Conducting, the prospective student must hold an Anticipation degree and have completed the 1st year of the Advanced Piano School.
He also has the possibility to enroll in the 4th year of Choir Conducting after Qualifying Exams. Duration of studies: 5 years Compulsory courses: Playing a choral score on the piano, Special Solfège – Dictee Music analysis History of choral music and opera Piano Vocal training Practical choir conducting Conducting an orchestra or instrumental musical ensembles Choral voice training Fugue elements Orchestration elements Transcription for choir Correct pronunciation of foreigners texts