Saxophonist Dimitris Melas and pianist Myrto Akrivou (Duo Duende) present on Wednesday March 22 at 20:30 at the F. Nakas Concert Hall, a recital with exciting works of 20th and 21st century music.
This specific program is a special challenge, since both its virtuoso and interpretive demands keep the interest of the listeners undiminished. It is an original musical mosaic of different cultures that highlight the diverse expressiveness of the melodic sounds of the saxophone and the piano.
The creators of the works draw inspiration from jazz, swing, film noir, folk dance tradition and transform it into music that transcends the limitations of times and cultural borders.
Among them, the Austrian-Czech Erwin Schulhoff with his broad polymorphic style, the French Jeanne Leleu with an elegant dancing romantic miniature, the American Michael Markowski (1st pan-Hellenic performance) with his adventurous programmatic musical style, the Spanish Pedro Itturalde with ethnic jazz compositional style and the Turkish Fazil Say (1st pan-Hellenic performance) with a composition inspired by polyrhythm, danceability, emotional charge, subtle irony and poetic mood.
E. SCHULHOFF (1894-1942): Hot (Jazz) Sonata (1930)
J. LELEU (1898-1979): Dance Nostalgique (1970)
M. MARKOWSKI (1986): Unfamiliar Territory (2012) 1st Panhellenic performance
P. ITURRALDE (1929-2020) : Suite Hellenique (1994)
F. SAY (1970): Suite (2014) 1st Panhellenic performance
Wednesday 22/03
Start Time 20:30